Hollow Metal Doors & Frames:
Security Metal Products
Door Components
Hollow Metal Xpress
Specialty Doors:
Prefinished Frames:
Finish Hardware:
Allegion Products:
Schlage, aptiQ, VonDuprin, LCN, Falcon, Steelcraft, Ives, Glynn Johnson, Zero International
Adams Rite, Corbin Russwin, Curries, Graham, HES, Maiman, Markar, McKinney, Medeco, Norton, Pemko, Rixson, Rockwood, Sargent, Securitron, Security Metal Products, Yale
Specialty Services:
IDC - Custom hollow metal field rework and
door maintenance and repair
Solid Surfaces:
Let's Work Together
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© Seeley Brothers 2017
1400 Moonstone
Brea, CA 92821
Phone: 714-224-3949
Fax: 714-224-3957
Custom - Doors / Frames / Hardware / Millwork